This functionality creates and updates customers and vendors from a csv import file containing rows
of vendor/customer master data. The import file may contain rows for new and/or existing
customers/vendors. If a customer/vendor already exists, GnuCash
updates the existing
The import file should contain rows of customer/vendor data, one row for each customer/vendor. The
customer/vendor is identified by the customer/vendor number in the field id
of the data rows. If the field is blank, GnuCash
will use the next number from the relevant
counter (set in the Counters tab under
There is no data in the file to indicate whether it concerns customer or vendor master data. Instead, a user option in the import dialog makes that distinction.
Each row should contain the fields listed below, in the same sequence, separated by a comma or a
semicolon. The fields are listed here by their technical name, which GnuCash
uses in the
preview of the import data.
- The customer/vendor number. If it is for an existing
customer/vendor, GnuCash
will update the customer/vendor. Note that in GnuCash
e.g. '000010'
is a different customer number than '10'. If the id field is empty, GnuCash
will use the
next number from the relevant counter.
- The company name. If it is left blank, it is
defaulted to the value of field name
. If that is also blank, then the
row is ignored.
- Billing address - Name. Optional.
- Billing address - Address line 1. At least one of the
four address lines of the billing address must be filled. If not, then the row is
- Billing address - Address line 2.
- Billing address - Address line 3.
- Billing address - Address line 4.
- Billing address - Phone. Optional
- Billing address - Fax. Optional
- Billing address - Email. Optional
- Notes. Optional
- Shipping information - Name. Optional. Not relevant
for vendors.
- Shipping information - Address line 1. Optional.
Not relevant for vendors.
- Shipping information - Address line 2. Optional.
Not relevant for vendors.
- Shipping information - Address line 3. Optional.
Not relevant for vendors.
- Shipping information - Address line 4. Optional.
Not relevant for vendors.
- Shipping information - Phone. Optional. Not
relevant for vendors.
- Shipping information - Fax. Optional. Not relevant
for vendors.
- Shipping information - Email. Optional. Not
relevant for vendors.
Example content for a customer with a separate shipping address. Using a semicolon for separator.
2201;All Star Company;All Star Company;Union Avenue 776;San
Juan;CA;;0482938838;;;Last contacted on 4/4/2018.;All Star Company; John
Alderman, Office 456;Union Avenue 777;San Juan;CA;78998766;;
Example content for a vendor; no ID given, so GnuCash
will take the next number from the counter.
Using a comma for separator.
,Johnson Supplies,Johnson Supplies,Electric Park
56,Plains,VA,,0482986538,,,Discount negotiated,,,,,,,,
All fields by technical name in the required sequence.
id, company, name, addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4, phone, fax, email, notes, shipname, shipaddr1,
shipaddr2, shipaddr3, shipaddr4, shiphone, shipfax, shipmail
To import your customer or vendor data, navigate to
→ → to open a new import dialog, and provide the necessary information.1. Choose the file to import - Select your import file, or manually type the path and file name.
2. Select import type - Select the import type, either Customer or Vendor.
3. Select import options - Select your csv format. Use the with quotes options if your file contains fields enclosed in double quotes. These options also match fields not enclosed in double quotes, but fields should not contain the double quote character itself. Use one of the other options if your file does not have fields enclosed in quotes; any double quote characters in the file will then be imported as is.
4. Preview - Once you have selected your import file and csv format, GnuCash
shows you a preview of the data. You can verify if your data is listed in the correct
columns. If you do not see any rows in the preview, then GnuCash
was not able to match
your import data rows to the selected csv format. See
Section 18.2.5, “What could go wrong?” below.
Start the import - If you are satisfied with your selections, hit the button to start the import.
![]() | Note |
Internally, ^(?<company>[^,]*),(?<id>[^,]*),(?<name>[^,]*),(?<addr1>[^,]*),(?<addr2>[^,]*),(?<addr3>[^,]*)$
With a custom regular expression, |
executes the import process in three steps:
- Imports the data file and attempts to match each row
to the data fields.
Validation and adjustment
- Validates the data fields and
replaces data with defaults if applicable.
- Creates or updates the vendor or customer master
After all steps have finished, GnuCash
issues information about the result of the process. The initial
dialog shows the statistics of the process:
Import results - lines ignored: the number of rows that could not be matched to the data fields.
Import results - lines imported: the number of rows that were successfully matched to the data fields.
Import results - customers/vendors fixed: the number of rows for which a default value was used for a field.
Import results - customers/vendors ignored: the number of rows for that were not processed because of a validation error.
Import results - customers/vendors created: the number of customers/vendors created.
Import results - customers/vendors updated: the number of customers/vendors that were updated.
If there were unmatched rows in the import step, a final dialog shows the actual rows that could not be matched.
If the statistics show unmatched rows under “Import results - lines ignored”, then there is some issue with the format of your import file. Verify that you use and select the correct separator. Verify that your data rows have exactly 18 separator characters (1 for each field, except for the last). Verify whether you use the separator character within a data field; if so, enclose the field in double quotes.
If you use one of the with quotes import options, verify if you use the double quote character in any of the data field values. If so, remove them; importing double quotes as is, is not supported when using the with quotes import options.
If the statistics show rows under “Import results - customers/vendors ignored”, then data rows were ignored because of one of the errors below:
The field company
and the field name
are both blank. The field
is mandatory; if it is blank, then it is defaulted to the
value of the field name
, but if both are blank, then the data row
cannot be processed.
The fields addr1
, addr2
, addr3
are all blank. At least one of these fields must have a value,
otherwise the data row cannot be processed.
Currently the customer/vendor import function does not support (at least) the following:
Import of any of the fields in the customer tab for billing information: currency, terms, discount, credit limit, tax included and tax table.
Import of any of the fields in the vendor tab for payment information: currency, terms, tax included and tax table.